PGX - Peoples Global Exchange
112 Anonas Extn., Sikatuna Village
Quezon City 1101, Philippines

Philnews E-mail News Service

Philnews E-mail Service is an e-mail news service provided by PGX in the Philippines and distributed
in Europe by PESC-KSP. Philnews provides summaries of selected news items from Philippine
newspapers, 2 to 3 times per week. In addition, Philnews subscribers would also receive all news
dispatches that KSP receives from our various Philippine partners. Depending on the demand, we are
also going to send out news items on specific topics of interest to those who only want to receive
news on those topics.

Inform us by e-mail if you want to start receiving Philnews dispatches. We will then send you
dispatches for one month so that you can see if it is useful for you. If you want to continue receiving
Philnews after this period, inform us by e-mail and send us the subscription fee.

Every month, we will send you a response form which lists all the dispatches you were supposed to
have received, and will ask for your commends regarding the content and other aspects of the

Philnews costs US$ 6 a month for individuals, and US$ 10 a month for institutions. Please send the money through bank transfer or international money order.